A Marketing Tool That’ll Solve All Your Content Problems

How To Use New Exploding Topics Tool

Want to produce amazing content on the next big thing?
Here’s how to find the hottest topics before everyone else knows about them…

Have you ever sat back ready to write your next piece of compelling content, and struggled to know what to write about?

This isn’t uncommon. We’ve all been there more often than we’d like to admit.

I sat down yesterday for half an hour before I decided what I was going to write about.

It was only after I’d explored this new tool that I came to my decision.

The tool is called Exploding Topics.

I’m hoping it saves me a lot of time in the future…

What is Exploding Topics?

Exploding Topics is a new piece of software, developed by Brian Dean (Backlinko) and Josh Howarth (previously of Trennd).

The aim of the software is to provide you with ideas for content based on topics that are, or are about to become more popular.

The software scans a variety of sources for new information and picks up on current trends.

You can then create content around these trends, ideally being one of the first to do so.

It’s super convenient for creating SEO and social media content.

*So far there haven’t been any guides released by the software creators themselves, so here’s our take on it.*

How to use Exploding Topics

Exploding Topics put each topic into one of three categories.

  1. Exploding – the topic is hot at that moment in time.
  2. Regular – this topic has gained good traction over a period of time
  3. Peaked – topic seems to have reached it’s height and is in decline

It also provides you with a graph of its performance over a selected period of time.

Here’s what it looks like on the site:

Filter by period of time, subject category or both.

If you want to know about marketing topics that are potentially going to blow up, pick the marketing category.

If you want to know about business, choose business.

You can see just how explosive it is becoming via the change in searches per month.

Why use the tool?

As it’s a new tool on the block, it’s unknown just how influential it may prove to be.

We need more time with it before deciding how valuable it is.

The principle behind the tool is certainly positive though.

Here are some benefits to using Exploding Topics:

Saves Time

Choosing subjects to produce content about can be tricky.

It takes up valuable minutes making the decision too.

The tool should reduce the time it takes you to finalise the topic you’ll write about.

Boost SEO

If you’re one of the first to write about a subject, you’ll rank higher for those keywords much earlier.

The earlier you produce the content, the quicker you can establish it among the rest that will shortly follow.

Your content still needs to be of the highest quality though – the most valuable content usually wins above all else.

To learn how to optimise your content for SEO, read our SEO checklist – build as much organic traffic as possible!

Exhibit Thought Leadership

If you’re the first to learn about a subject, you’ve more time than everyone else to become an expert in it.

When others are producing their content, they’ll look to what you’ve written for guidance.

Thought leadership is one way to drive content to your site – people will flock to you for the latest info.

For more information on Exploding Tools, send us a message on Facebook.

To learn about our marketing and web development services, fill out a contact form below.

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