Building an Online Open Day for Runshaw College!
“Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone.”
With COVID-19 having such a negative impact on how most companies conduct their business this year we have been working extra hard at Stone Create to work with our clients to ensure the impact the virus has on them is reduced as much as possible.
Runshaw College were due to host their annual September Open Day two weeks ago but of course this needed to be cancelled.
Fortunately, we had liaised with Runshaw in advance to prepare for this eventuality building them a virtual open day site that could be used by the large number of students now not able to make it to the college that day. This gave them the opportunity to still be able to view the campus and the vast facilities the college offers.
How did it work?
On the Saturday of what should have been the Open Day at the college, students and parents logged into the virtual Runshaw site to be greeted with a map of the campus along with a list of subject groups they could delve further into.
Clicking on a building within the map would bring up further information about the subjects that are studied within that building.
We also integrated a live Q&A feature so that the students would be able to ask questions about specific courses and what life is like at Runshaw College with these questions being answered by the colleges’ tutors and staff members.
The online system was accessed by more than 1000 people on the day and was deemed a great success!
This is what it looked like…