SEO Experts: Top 5 SEO Specialists To Follow In 2020

SEO Expert’s Blogs To Subscribe To

To excel with SEO, it’s good practice to learn from the experts that have been there and done it.

There’s a lot of mediocre content floating around so finding credible sources of information is important.

This article will show you five SEO experts to follow today…


SEO changes all the time.

Take Google for example; they update their algorithm thousands of times a year.

Some changes send shockwaves through the SEO world and some are minor amendments to the algorithm.

The BERT update is the most recent to have caused a big splash.

However, most changes are subtle and won’t cause too much of a drastic change to your rankings.

When things do change, you want to know about it.

That’s why I’d recommend following these guys if you’re after up-to-date SEO information and tips on how to improve your site’s ranking.

You don’t need to be consuming content by twenty different SEO experts in order to get the information you need.

For content marketers, these guys provide all the knowledge you need to be hitting Google’s coveted top spots.

Their tips and insight have contributed our monthly organic traffic increasing by 400% in one year.

Disclaimer: all the recommendations in this article are subjective.

To learn about our SEO 101 course for beginners, please fill out a contact form below.

SEO Experts To Follow

If you need help with ranking on the search engines then it’s time to take advice from some SEO experts.

Here’s who you need to follow:

1. Brian Dean (Backlinko)


I’ve spent hours reading through Brian Dean’s blogs and watching his videos.

For me he delivers the most actionable free SEO content you could hope for.

His blogs are often upward of 3000-4000 words and are full of detail to help you work on your search engine rankings.

Check out his latest blog at Backlinko here.

Content Brian produces:

  • Blogs
  • YouTube videos
  • Social media updates

2. Neil Patel (NP Agency)


Although more of an all-round marketing specialist, a large part of Neil’s content is based on SEO.

He publishes in-depth SEO blogs, and releases multiple videos a week to his YouTube channel and LinkedIn page.

He’s an avid replier to comments and gives you the option to contact his team if you want more specific information.

For any marketer he’s worth subscribing to – not just those who need an SEO expert.

Content Neil produces:

3. Brian Clark (Copyblogger)

Brian Clark founded Copyblogger, the home of content marketing.

Copyblogger began in 2006 and rose to reach heights of 8-figure annual revenues –  their high-quality content is backbone of the company.

Although Brian doesn’t write all the content on Copyblogger, he still contributes articles regularly.

He’s featured in business books written by marketing legends such as Seth Godin and Joe Pulizzi, and is regarded as a sought-after source of SEO knowledge.

Content Brian produces:

  • Blogs
  • Social media updates

4. Rand Fishkin (Moz)


Rand Fishkin founded Moz, the SEO software development powerhouse.

He is highly regarded in the SEO world and regularly contributes content to the ever-changing realm that is SEO.

Writing for Moz, Sparktoro and guest-posting for a number of well-thought-of publications his credibility as an SEO expert has soared.

So much so that he’s now considered one of the top sources for reliable SEO information.

Content Rand produces:

  • Blogs
  • YouTube videos (Moz – although haven’t posted in over a year)
  • Social media updates

5. Barry Schwartz (Rusty Brick)

Barry Schwartz is currently the CEO for Rusty Brick – a web software country in America.

He has tons of experience in SEO and has been writing about it for more than 16 years.

As well as writing for his own site dedicated to search (Search Engine Roundtable), he is the news editor for Search Engine Land and produces regular search content for them.

He is often quoted in publications such as Forbes, NY Times, Wall Street Journal.

Barry posts multiple times a day with high-quality content regarding all things Google and SEO.

Content Barry produces:

  • Blogs (Search Engine Roundtable)
  • YouTube videos (Rusty Brick’s channel)
  • Social media updates

Other Places To Look For SEO Expertise

Subscribing to SEO blogs and watching YouTube videos will help you a lot.

But the guys above are people you should take heed from.

If you’re after more though, check out some of these too…


Twitter can be a useful resource for SEO content.

Following the search engines’ accounts will provide you with a source of the most credible information about.

For example, Google recently changed a feature of their rich snippet.

They told everyone of the algorithm change via Twitter (see image below).

If you follow Google’s various Twitter accounts and scour your feed frequently enough then you’ll come across this information.

It’s always best to get water from the horses mouth.



For reasons similar to Twitter above, following SEO experts on LinkedIn can help you source valuable information regarding the search engines.

The Brian Dean’s and Neil Patel’s of the world all congregate on here and publish links to all their content on the site.

It’s good practice to follow SEO-related hashtags too. Start with just a few.

The best SEO hashtags to follow on LinkedIn:

  • #SEO
  • #Google
  • #searchengineoptimisation
  • #SEOtips
  • #contentmarketing
  • #blogging
  • #seocontent
  • #searchenginemarketing
  • #searchengineranking
  • #seostrategy


Stone Create Blog

We regularly post SEO-related blogs that are written to help you develop your understanding of search engine ranking.

Here’s some of our efforts to date:


Find all our latest articles here.


For more information on anything SEO related, send us a message on Facebook.

To book a marketing meeting with us, fill out a contact form below.

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